
Welcome to the new and improved Backmask Online! For your listening pleasure you will find 12 new clips in the various genres. We surpassed the 100 mark with this update and we're now offering 109 of the best examples of backmasking anywhere on the web. We've also got a load more all ready to roll that we will be releasing a few at a time so be sure to check back often to stay up to date.

You may have noticed the new format. We hope you'll like it... we sure do. Also to be unveiled soon is a spiffy hatemail section with all the garbage that fills our inbox. So if you're a hater be sure to get your flames in soon so that we can post it for all the world to laugh at.

Sadly the forum is no more, but feel free to post in the comments! Also go ahead and friend us on Myspace. And remember: !sdneirf ruoy lleT


Anonymous said...

I write asking that you delete my name from your hatelist.I didn't say I hate you,I just find it stupid to listen to music backwards.stingrae1

Anonymous said...

If you choose not I will issue instructions via my lawyers to enforce my request Justin