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JJ Abrams' movie 'Cloverfield' hit the silver screen this last weekend. We should have known that the creator of Lost and some fairly complex viral marketing campaigns would put a backmasked clip in his work.
The backmasked sound occurs at the very end of the credits. There is debate as to whether the clip, as heard in the movie, is just gibberish or someone saying "Help Us!" (I tend to believe the former) You can hear the reverse clip here. Because the clip is from the end of the movie, do not listen to it if you don't want spoilers.
The latest in our Punk/Metal category is just a little rant by the Ramones. In the words of Mr. Smithers, "here are several fine young men who I'm sure are going to go far."
Check out the latest edition to our Comedy/TV section the theme from Beverly Hillbillies. Also of note we've decided to post links to all new content dierctly in the news section for those who might like to subscribe to our rss feed. So without further ado: